Everyone can tell stories and everyone has a story to tell.
StorySLAM Oslo is a group of storytellers and instructors who organize workshops, events and storytelling contests. StorySLAM Oslo specializes in communication, dissemination and personal stories.
We want to strengthen people's dissemination ability and spread storytelling by helping people share stories from their own lives.
Spring 2013:
First Storyslam event at Pilestredet Student Theater at Oslo and Akershus University College.
August 2015:
A group of students from HiOA and Pilestredet Student Theater takes StorySLAM into Oslo's city life.
September 2015:
First StorySLAM Event at the Smelteverket
November 2015:
First StorySLAM Event at Kulturhuset
July 2016:
StorySLAM at Slottsfjell
November 2016:
First Grandslam Event at Rockefeller
October 2017:
First StorySLAM in Kristiansand
October 2017:
Fortune-time in collaboration with the TV-show and Oslo and Akershus University
College! The proceeds from the event went unnoticed to the TV campaign and UNICEF.
November 2017:
Share your school story. A collaboration with Oslo Skolemuseum
December 2017:
First StorySLAM event in Stavanger
April 2018:
First StorySLAM event in Bergen
September 2018:
First StorySLAM event in Trondheim
September 2018:
First StorySLAM event in Harstad
Continue our journey, and spread our message!
Director, Storyteller and Instructor
Deputy director, Storyteller and Instructor
Podcast manager, Storyteller and Instructor
Storyteller and Instructor
Storyteller and Instructor
Storyteller and Instructor
Storyteller and Instructor
Presenter and Storyteller